Counter Canter with Alison Kenward
Alison is a Professional Equestrian Coach & Business Mentor is another one of our amazing special guest trainers bringing you the Counter Canter Audio, you can listen to Alison’s audio in the Dressage Category of the Rider Guider App.
She has been a qualified Coach since 1994. She has been coaching online since 2005. Her remote coaching practice grew as it became easier to connect with riders direct to their arena.
Alison has loved horses her whole life and competed in a variety of disciplines from Polocrosse to Showjumping and she has been in love with Dressage for over 20 years.
She discovered that she enjoyed Digital Marketing through working with her sponsors. Alison moved into PR for Equestrian Business Owners and Riders and successfully combined this with her Equestrian Coaching practice.
She really loves being creative in the moments when she isn’t enjoying time with her horses
In this picture Alison is riding Salvatio and she shares updates in the ‘Rider Lounge’.
You can join Alison in her fantastic online community The Heros Online Riding Club and tell your horse stories.
You can be your horse’s hero with my Step by Step Guide to creating Your Success Plan.